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Privacy that brings blockchain together.

Welcome to Webb, an ecosystem of infrastructures and applications designed to extend privacy to the blockchain space. We are committed to a future where privacy is accessible for all in the multi-chain world.

We believe

Privacy is a fundamental human right.

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Secure Financial Privacy

Webb's research extends the latest in private transaction systems. Secure your transactions, balances, and holdings, preventing unauthorized access, identity theft, or exposure of financial activities to third parties. Our technology stack is versatile for your needs.

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Safeguard Personal Data

Webb develops and researches zero-knowledge applications that prevent your personal data from being stored or shared without your consent in breaches and more. We believe in the selective disclosure of your data in Web3.

Basic Plan - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Privacy App Development

We're committed to building infrastructure and tools that helps usher in the next hundreds to thousands of privacy-preserving applications. From zero-knowledge tools to multi-party computation (MPC) systems, our software streamlines the next generation of private application development.

Tangle Network

Experience the next level of privacy with Tangle Network, your gateway to trustless governance and event validation in cross-chain dApps. Powered by Substrate and cutting-edge multi-party computation, we're setting a new standard for ZK dApps.

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Shielded Protocols in Action

Dive into our suite of shielded applications and discover how easy it is to make transactions that are both secure and private.


Scaling privacy with positive-sum, cross-chain anonymity sets.

Webb creates positive-sum privacy within the blockchain ecosystem by connecting cryptographic accumulators across chains, empowering users with cross-chain zero-knowledge proofs.

Independent privacy sets are not scalable.

Traditional zero-knowledge applications have a single global privacy set that can only be interacted with from a single place.

Aggregating privacy sets scales privacy.

Aggregating privacy sets allows us to scale privacy to the sum of each private sets size and grow access from many locations.

Connecting privacy sets requires distributed coordination.

Each merkle tree maintains a view of the roots of the other merkle trees to achieve connection.

Together, we power cross-chain zero-knowledge messaging.

In a connected system, users can insert zero-knowledge messages from any endpoint.

Attest to messages in zero-knowledge after updates propagate.

Views are updated, recording the messages which have been added to endpoints. Users prove messages exist in any privacy set from any location in a way that benefits all participants.

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Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates